After Care Instructions for Take Home Teeth Whitening

Congratulations on buying your Phillips Zoom Take Home Whitening treatment. This kit includes your customized whitening trays and whitening gel syringe. It is important to follow the below instructions to get optimum results from your teeth whitening treatment.

  • Floss and brush your teeth before you begin. A clean tooth surface will allow the whitening to work much more effectively.
  • Twist cap off the end of the whitening gel syringe.
  • Place tip of the syringe into the whitening tray and depress plunger so that a small teardrop amount of whitening solution is placed onto each individual tooth. This is a guide only, if you have small teeth use a smaller drop, conversely if you have large teeth use a larger drop. You only need a small amount of the solution as the custom-made trays will distribute the solution evenly over the teeth as they are inserted.
Lady preparing her teeth whitening kit

  • Place the tray with the gel in your mouth. When inserting the tray, be careful not to push on the front of the tray as you will push the gel out. Make sure the tray is fully seated by pushing on the biting surface of the teeth.
  • When you first insert the trays if you have placed too much gel into the tray the excess will spill over the top of the tray. Remove any excess with a cotton bud or tissue as the whitening solution is meant for the teeth not soft tissue. You may notice some “bubbling” within your trays while wearing them. This is expected and is part of the whitening process.
  • Wear the trays for 30- 90 minutes, 1-2 times a day. Whitening can be done up to twice a day but if you notice any sensitivity cut back to one session a day. While wearing the trays do not exercise, eat or drink.
Lady using teeth whitening kit at home

  • After whitening, remove trays and rinse any residual gel off your teeth with a soft wet toothbrush, avoid any toothpaste. The trays will also need to be rinsed in cold water to remove any excess gel. Avoid using hot water on your trays as this can and will distort them. After your trays are dry, place them back onto your models as this will help them to retain their shape.
  • It is recommended to drink only water for the first two hours after whitening as coffee, tea and coloured food and drink can be absorbed more easily directly after whitening.
  • Ensure that you place the cap back on the end of the whitening syringe when you have finished so that the solution does not dry out.
  • For best results you should whiten your teeth consistently for 1-2 weeks.
  • Keep your excess whitening solution in the refrigerator to do “top up” procedures in a few weeks or months.
  • Top up procedures are recommended after your 6 monthly check-up and clean appointments. You only need to do 1 or 2 days of whitening to maintain the sparkle and whiteness. You can use your leftover solution to do this if you still have some or you can purchase more solution from the office.

If you have any questions or concerns regarding take home teeth whitening, please call our friendly team at Tooth Smart Dental Cannon Hill on (07) 3399 6228.

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