Bleeding is to be expected after extractions. The gauze that has been placed in your mouth should remain in position for at least 30 minutes. Should the bleeding continue replace the gauze that you have been given and bite on it with moderate pressure for another 30 minutes. Should there continue to be excessive bleeding you should call us. If you are unable to reach our office or our afterhours service, then please go to your nearest emergency hospital.
Pain or Discomfort
Some discomfort is expected once the anaesthetic wears off. A mild analgesic can be taken to help manage the pain or discomfort. You can choose over the counter analgesic like Ibuprofen [600 mg] every 4-6 hours and/or Paracetamol 500mg every 4-6 hours at least for the first day to minimize any discomfort. If you have been prescribed a stronger pain relief medication, please take as directed. Do not drive, work with machinery, or drink alcoholic beverages while under the effect of the strong pain relief medicines. Some pain medications may make you nauseous and should be discontinued if this happens. If you have a reaction to the medication, stop the medication and call our office immediately.
If antibiotics are prescribed, take as directed. Be sure to take all the tablets prescribed. In case of any allergic reactions such as a rash or itching, discontinue all medication and call the office immediately.
Avoid rinsing your mouth with water or mouthwash for first 24 hours. Avoid spitting too much as well. These may lead to a possible loss of the blood clot which protects the healing extraction site. Loss of blood clot may cause delay in healing and pain. After 24 hours rinse your mouth with luke warm salt water. Use a concentration of ¼ teaspoon of table salt in cup of water, at least 3 times a day.
Following surgery some swelling is expected. It will reach its peak on the second day following surgery and it will begin to resolve on the fourth day. To minimize swelling, apply a covered (with towel) ice bag to your face for 20-minute intervals, removing the bag for 10 min in between intervals. Continue ice packs for 4-6 hours after surgery.
Following surgery, it is expected to have a slight elevation in temperature. Please take rest. Take antipyretic medication like Panadol as needed or prescribed and drink plenty of fluids. This will help return temperature to normal.
A well-balanced diet is important for proper healing. A soft, bland diet is suggested for the first few days. Drink plenty of fluids especially if you have been given antibiotics. Do not use a straw. Avoid hot foods, hot liquid and avoid smoking for at least 48 to 60 hours after surgery. (Smoking will delay the healing process).
Oral Hygiene
A clean mouth will heal faster. Brush carefully but thoroughly. The use of commercial mouthwashes during healing period is not encouraged.
If sutures (stitches) were used in your treatment, be sure to return for their removal on the appointment date given.
Post Operative Appointment
A post operative appointment will be offered 7 – 14 days after the procedure to follow up and review the extraction or surgery site. We encourage all patients to keep up with their follow up appointment.
If you have any questions or concerns regarding tooth removal or above care instructions, please call our friendly team at Tooth Smart Dental Cannon Hill on (07) 3399 6228.